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    What's in the guide

    This guide will show you how you can make stamp from materials that you (most likely) already have at home. It contains five sample projects plus a bonus project. It is intended to give you some ideas on how you could spend a fun afternoon with your kids getting creative and playing around making stamps and printing cute shapes and patterns. The guide is also intended for any adult who wants to give stamping a try without buying any specialized linocutting equipment. I list a variety of materials and paints hoping that you have at least some of them at home. Pick whatever you have and see where it takes you.

    How this guide came to life

    Are you yearning to try to something new but don't want or can't go shopping for new supplies? Personally, while I love to get new art supplies, I don't want to buy new materials and tools all the time to just have some fun for an afternoon or quickly try something new - especially when kids are involved and things should to be quick and easy. That's why I made this guide because you do not need fancy equipment to have a little stamping fun.


    Hi, I am Ali, the printmaker and pattern addict behind 3DOTTEDPENGUINS. I show new work almost daily on Instagram. My shop is always stocked with a selection of original paper block prints, screenprinted fabrics such as tea towels, t-shirts and tote bags as well as high quality stationary items such as greeting cards and post cards. You can also find 3DOTTEDPENGUINS on Pinterest.